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UWC Maastricht

Maastricht, The Netherlands

915 Students
Aged 2-18 years



3 March 2017

UWC Maastricht is a completely integrated, multicultural school for students of different educational and socio-economic backgrounds which operates within the Dutch public educational system and is subsidized by the Dutch government. The School was formed to serve both the needs of the international community of Maastricht and to provide an education for the students chosen through the UWC national committee system from throughout the world to study and live on campus.

Three Unique Features

  • National Public School - UWC Maastricht is the only UWC school operating within a national public school funding context, educating students from preschool to high school.
  • Youth Social Entrepreneurship (YSE) & Student-led Conferences - The YSE initiative gives students the skills to identify problems in the community and design specific solutions in the form of social entrepreneurial projects. Many annual conferences - TEDx Maastricht, Youth Environmental Sustainability, International Peace Conference, Theory of Knowledge Conference – are entirely student led.
  • Serving the Local Community - An ongoing effort at UWC Maastricht is to bridge the gap between the School and the town community.
In the Classroom 

The Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum (2-4 year-olds) includes a range of learning experiences in the five key aspects of children's development and learning.

The Primary Curriculum (4-11 year-olds) is composed of a variety of subjects areas with access to some dependent on English fluency levels.

The IB-Middle Years Program (11-16 year-olds) encourages students to embrace and understand the connections between traditional school subjects and the real world, and to become critical and reflective thinkers.

To 16-18 year-olds, the School offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) curriculum. Alongside standard courses, UWC Maastricht offers Dutch, Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, World Arts and Cultures, Global Politics, Visual Arts, Music.

Outside the Classroom 

UWC Maastricht is committed to fostering social entrepreneurship among students and staff providing them with tools and attitudes needed to start projects and make them sustainable. Participation in the Youth Social Entrepreneurship (YSE) Program is compulsory for all first-year students of the IB Diploma Program.

In the first IBDP year, students design, plan and carry out a local Project Week providing service to the local communities of Maastricht. Moreover, all IBDP students are encouraged to organize an optional Project Week in Europe during their study breaks focusing on service, creativity, activity and exploration in general.

The annual two-day Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Conference provides students with the opportunity to engage critically with the world around them together with prestigious keynote speakers.

During the four-day International Peace Conference, peacemakers, challengers, advocates, and experts from around the world share their knowledge and inspire through lectures. Students who have experienced the absence of peace or have personal ties to various forms of conflict offer unique insights and solution-based discussions.

Maastricht Model United Nations Conference (MaasMUN) and TEDxYouth@Maastricht are two other annual events which are entirely student led.

Campus and Facilities  

The campus was built in 2015 into a park-like environment, in the north-east of Maastricht city centre. The site is surrounded by sports fields, an English-style nature reserve and new housing. In order to access the campus, one crosses over a bridge that is only accessible to pedestrians and cyclists.

Geographic Setting  

UWC Maastricht is located in Maastricht, an internationally oriented city, in the sunniest and southernmost part of the Netherlands. The city centre is only 10 minutes bike ride away.


Day student applications for Pre-Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary must meet the requirements of the Dutch Law on International Education. Residential students are recruited through UWC's national committee system. For more information, visit the website

Contact Details

UWC Maastricht
PO Box 1187
6201 BD Maastricht

18 Kolej-Kolej